Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Welcome / Half Steps

A warm welcome to all.

A significant portion of this class is dedicated to moving material through progressions.

In this class will first rely on our ear, second, on a clear narrative explanation, and third, with written music, keeping in mind that the majority of music (an aural art) is passed on...aurally.

"Material" can be as simple as one note--or it could be as complicated as complicated can be.

A "progression" is defined as "root movement by interval."

Progression #1:  Root Movement by Half Step

C -- C#/Db -- D -- D#/Eb -- E -- F -- F#/Gb -- G -- G#/Ab -- A -- A#/Bb -- B -- C.

At each "root" we execute "material" based on and appropriate to that root.

Material #1:  Root Note - down half step - Note - up half step - Root Note

said another way  C down to B back up to C  

and so

Material #1 "put through" Progression #1  with red notes being the "root"

C down to B back up to C ...  Db down to C back up to Db .... D down to C# back up to D

and so forth, until you have reached C again...then go back down!

C down to B back up to C ... B down to Bb up to B ... Bb down to A back up to Bb

and so forth, until you have reached C again.  (ha! then go back up, then back down for the rest of your life)

Material can almost always be executed in the opposite direction.

Material #1, backwards or "retrograde" to use a fancy word

C up to Db back down to C...  C# up to D back down to C#.... and so forth.

Material can almost always be fused.

Material #1 forward and backward:

C -- B -- C -- Db -- C .......  C# -- C -- C# -- D -- C#  and so forth.

Material that is fused can also be executed in the opposite direction

C  - Db -  C - B - C   .....   C#  - D - C# - C - C#  and so forth.

and of course the direction of the Progression can be inverted

C - B - C - Db - C    ....    B  - A# - B - C - B  and so forth...

in class we worked on material where the root was not the first note.  It was "approached" by another note.  In the first example, "B" is the "approach note" and C is the "root" (or the note being approached)

remember...material is put through the progression.  The progression is still by half step...

"going up"  ascending progression
B - C ... C - C# ... C# - D   and so forth....

"going down" ascending progression
C# - C .... D - C# ....  Eb - D  and so forth... 

again, the progression can be reversed

"going up", descending progression" 
 B - C    ...   A# - B   ...    A - Bb

"going down" descending progression
 C# - C ... C - B ... B - Bb

Recall that we ultimately increased the number of "approach notes" to 4

and so, two approach notes:

"going up, 2" ascending progression
Bb - B - C  ...  B - C - C#  

"going down 2" ascending progression

D - C# - C  ...   Eb - D - C# 

put this material through the progression going backward

 three approach notes

"going up 3" ascending progression

A - Bb - B - C  ...  A# -  B  - C  - Db 

"going down 3" ascending progression

Eb - D - Db - C  ....    E - Eb - D - C# 

and finally 4 approach notes

"going down 4" ascending progression

E - Eb - D - Db - C  ...  F - E - Eb - D - C# 

these are to be played all four ways.   





a g a i n. 

Finally, the "Donna Lee" material 


see measure 15. 

and for you bassists out there

pay attention at 0:26.
 the material:

C B C C# D C# D Eb E Eb E Eb D C# C 

broken up

C - B - C  (Material #1)


D - C# - D (Material #1)


E - D# - E (Material #1)

Eb - D - C# - C ("going down 3") 

Can you move the material through the progression?

hint:  take 

C B C C# D C# D Eb E Eb E Eb D C# C 

and raise each note a half step!  repeat!

or lower each note a half step!  repeat!


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to write them in the comments section, or email me.  


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