Friday, February 21, 2020

Week 10 / The Web is alive with free information

The over riding theme of this class, and perhaps my life in music is

"Simple, but not easy."

To that, I for one would add

"Complicated to explain."

When it comes to Jazz technique / fundamentals, there are thousands upon thousands of explanations of the same concept on our beloved Internet.

There are also many musicians, playing all kinds of instruments, giving away that information for free.

Recently I took a Skype lesson with a saxophone player named Quamon Fowler, who clearly has a LOT going on

In our lesson, after listening to me fumble around, he re-iterated the contents of this video

Then he asked "what have you transcribed?"

to which I meekly replied "um, uh...."

At this point, he played Trane's Slo Blues along with the CD, note for note, perfectly, adding "yeah, I learned this one when I was a kid"

Then, from that, he extracted a ii - V - I progression for me to learn in all keys...with ARTICULATION!  Swing the 8th notes!

Guess what?  None of us come from the womb being able to swing our 8th notes.  It takes practice.

Practice.  Practice.  Practice.

And so, in sum, as our togetherness is coming to an end, know that the truth is out there.  If you have a question, ask our best friend Google.  You will get plenty of answers. 

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